BTC-9300 Model Fuzzy Logic Programmable Temperature Controller
BTC-9300 Model Fuzzy Logic Programmable Temperature Controller
Product Description


High-end Process and Temperature Controllers

The programming temperature controllers can be configured with multiple setpoints that are sequenced with preset timing criteria. The process and application needs will be your first concern when you want to choose a programmable temperature controller the number of segments and programs.

The Fuzzy Logic plus PID microprocessor-based thermo controller, incorporate two bright, easy to read 4-digit LED displays, indicating process value and set point value. The Fuzzy Logic technology enables a process to reach a predetermined set point in the shortest time, with the minimum of overshoot during power-up or external load disturbance.

BTC-9300 is a 1/16 DIN size panel mount controller. The units are fully programmable for PT100 and thermocouple types J, K, T, E, B, R, S, N, L with no need to modify the unit. A programming port is available for loading the configuration data with no need to use the keypads on front panel.

  • Fast input sample rate (5 times / second)
  • Basic & full function
  • User menu configurable
  • Pump control
  • Fuzzy+PID microprocessor-based control
  • Automatic programming
  • Differential control
  • Auto-tune function
  • Self-tune function
  • Sleep mode function
  • "Soft-start " ramp and dwell timer
  • Programmable inputs (thermocouple,RTD,mA,VDC)
  • Analog input for remote set point and CT
  • Event input for changing function & set point
  • Programmable digital filter
  • Hardware lockout + romote lockout protection
  • Loop break alarm
  • Heater break alarm
  • Sensor break alarm+Bumpless transfer
  • RS-485,RS-232 communication
  • Analong retransmission
  • Signal conditioner DC power supply
  • A wide variety of output modules available
  • Safety UL / CSA / IEC1010-1
  • EMC / CE EN 61326
90 - 264 VAC, 47 - 63 Hz, 15VA, 7W maximum
11 - 26 VAC / VDC, SELV, Limited Energy, 15VA, 7W maximum
Input 1Characteristics 
Resolution 18 bits
Sampling Rate 5 times / second
Maximum Rating -2 VDC minimum, 12 VDC maximum( 1 minute for mA input )
Temperature Effect ±1.5 uV/ °C for all inputs except mA
input ±3.0 uV/ °C for mA input
Sensor Break Detection Sensor open for TC, RTD and mV inputs,
below 1 mA for 4-20 mA input,
below 0.25V for 1 - 5 V input, unavailable for other inputs.
Sensor Break Responding Time Within 4 seconds for TC, RTD and mV inputs,
0.1 second for 4-20 mA and 1 - 5 V inputs.
Input 1
Type Range  Accuracy@ 25 °C Input Impedance
J -120 ~ 1000 °C (-184 ~ 1832 °F) ±2 °C 2.2MΩ
K -200 ~ 1370 °C (-328 ~ 2498°F) ±2 °C 2.2MΩ
T -250 ~ 400°C (-418 ~ 752°F) ±2 °C 2.2MΩ
E -100 ~ 900 °C (-148 ~ 1652 °F) ±2 °C 2.2MΩ
B 0 ~ 1820 °C (32 ~ 3308 °F) ±2 °C (200°C - 1820°C) 2.2MΩ
R 0 ~ 1768 °C (32 ~ 3214 °F) ±2 °C 2.2MΩ
S 0 ~ 1768 °C (32 ~ 3214 °F) ±2 °C 2.2MΩ
N -250 ~ 1300 °C (-418 ~ 2372 °F) ±2 °C 2.2MΩ
L -200 ~ 900 °C (-328 ~ 1652 °F) ±2 °C 2.2MΩ
PT100 (DIN) -210 ~ 700 °C (-346 ~ 1292 °F) ±0.4°C 1.3KΩ
PT100 (JIS) -200 ~ 600 °C (-328 ~ 1112 °F) ±0.4°C 1.3KΩ
mV -8 ~ 70mV ±0.05% 2.2MΩ
mA -3 ~ 27mA ±0.05% 70.5Ω
V -1.3 ~ 11.5V ±0.05% 302KΩ
Input 2Characteristics
Resolution 18 bits
Sampling Rate 1.66 times / second
Maximum Rating -2 VDC minimum, 12 VDC maximum
Emperature Effect ±1.5uV/ °C for all inputs except mA
input ±3.0uV/ °C for mA input
Common Mode Rejection Ratio ( CMRR ) 120dB
Normal Mode Rejection Ratio ( NMRR )  55dB
Sensor Break Detection Below 1 mA for 4-20 mA input,
below 0.25V for 1 - 5V input,
unavailable for other inputs.
Sensor Break Responding Time 0.5 second
Input 2
Type Range  Accuracy@ 25 °C Input Impedance
CT94-1 0-50.0 A ±2% 
of Reading
mA -3 ~ 27mA ±0.05% 70.5 +0.8V / input current
V -1.3 ~ 11.5V ±0.05% 302KΩ
Input 3 (Event Input) 
Logic Low -10V minimum, 0.8V maximum.
Logic High 2V minimum, 10V maximum
External pull-down Resistance 400 K maximum
External pull-up Resistance 1.5 M minimum
Functions Select second set point and/or PID , reset alarm 1 and/or
alarm 2 , disable output 1 and/or output 2 , remote lockout.
Output 1 / Output 2 
Relay Rating 2A/240 VAC, life cycles 200,000 for resistive load
Pulsed Voltage Source Voltage 5V, current limiting resistance 66 .
Linear Output Characteristics
Type Zero Tolerance Span Tolerance Load Capacity
4-20 mA 3.6-4 mA 20-21 mA 500Ω max.
0-20 mA 0 mA 20-21 mA 500Ω max.
0-5 V 0 V 5-5.25 V 10KΩ min.
1-5 V 0.9-1 V 5-5.25 V 10KΩ min.
0-10 V 0 V 10-10.5 V 10KΩ min.
Linear Output 
Resolution 15 bits
Output Regulation 0.01 % for full load change
Output Settling Time 0.1 sec. ( stable to 99.9 % )
Isolation Breakdown Voltage  1000VAC
Temperature Effect ±0.0025 % of SPAN / °C
Triac ( SSR ) Output 
Rating 1A / 240 VAC
Inrush Current 20A for 1 cycle
Min. Load Current 50 mA rms
Max. Off-state Leakage 3 mA rms
Max. On-state Voltage 1.5V rms
Insulation Resistance 1000 Mohms min. at 500 VDC
Dielectric Strength 2500 VAC for 1 minute
DC Voltage Supply Characteristics (Installed at Output 2)
Type Tolerance Max. Output Current Ripple Voltage Isolation Barrier
20V ±1.0 V 25mA 0.2Vp-p 500VAC
12V ±0.6V 40mA 0.1Vp-p 500VAC
5V ±0.25V 80mA 0.05Vp-p 500VAC
Alarm 1/ Alarm 2 ( Output 2 )
Alarm 1 Relay Form A or Form B for BTC-9300, Form C for BTC4300,
BTC-8300, 5V Logic output for BTC-2500 Max. Rating
2A/240VAC, life cycles 200,000 for resistive load.
Alarm 2 Relay Form A,Max. rating 2A/240VAC, life cycles 200,000 for resistive load.
Alarm Functions  Dwell timer,                                     Deviation High / Low Alarm,
Deviation Band High / Low Alarm,      PV1 High / Low Alarm,
PV2 High / Low Alarm,                     PV1 or PV2 High /Low Alarm,
PV1-PV2 High /Low Alarm,               Loop Break Alarm,
Sensor Break Alarm.
Alarm Mode Normal, Latching, Hold, Latching / Hold.
Dwell Timer 0 - 6553.5 minutes
Data Communication 
Interface RS-232 ( 1 unit ), RS-485 ( up to 247 units )
Protocol  Modbus Protocol RTU mode
Address 1 - 247
Baud Rate 0.3 ~ 38.4 Kbits/sec
Data Bits 7 or 8 bits
Parity Bit None, Even or Odd
Stop Bit 1 or 2 bits
Communication Buffer 50 bytes
Analog Retransmission 
Functions PV1, PV2, PV1-PV2, PV2-PV1, Set Point,
MV1, MV2, PV-SV deviation value
Output Signal 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-1V, 0-5V, 1-5V, 0-10V
Resolution 15 bits
Accuracy ±0.05 % of span ±0.0025 %/ °C
Load Resistance 0 - 500 ohms ( for current output ),10 K ohm minimum ( for voltage output )
Output Regulation  0.01 % for full load change
Output Settling Time 0.1 sec. (stable to 99.9 % )
Isolation Breakdown Voltage 1000 VAC min.
Integral Linearity Error ±0.005 % of span
Temperature Effect  ±0.0025 % of span/ °C
Saturation Low 0 mA ( or 0V )
Saturation High 22.2 mA ( or 5.55V, 11.1V min. )
Linear Output Range 0 - 22.2mA(0-20mA or 4-20mA),
0 - 5.55V ( 0 - 5V, 1 - 5V ),
0 - 11.1 V ( 0 - 10V )
User InterfaceDual 4-digit LED Displays
BTC-4300 Upper 0.55" ( 14mm )
Lower 0.4" ( 10 mm )
BTC-8300, BTC-9300 Upper 0.4" ( 10 mm )
Lower 0.31" ( 8 mm )
BTC-2500 0.4"(10mm)
Keypad 3 keys
Programming Port For automatic setup, calibration and testing
Communication Port Connection to PC for supervisory control
Control Mode 
Output 1 Reverse ( heating ) or direct ( cooling )action
Output 2 PID cooling control, cooling P band 1 ~ 255% of PB
ON-OFF 0.1 - 55.6 ( °C ) hysteresis control ( P band = 0 )
P or PD  0 - 100.0 % offset adjustment
PID Fuzzy logic modified , Proportional band 0 ~ 500.0 °C ,
Integral time 0 - 1000 seconds , Derivative time 0 - 360.0 seconds
Cycle Time 0.1 - 100.0 seconds
Manual Control Heat (MV1) and Cool (MV2)
Auto-tuning Cold start and warm start
Failure Mode Auto-transfer to manual mode while sensor break or A-D converter damage
Ramping Control 0 ~ 500.0 °C/minute or 0 ~ 500.0 °C/hour ramp rate
Sleep Mode Enable or Disable
Ramping Control  0 ~ 500.0 °C/minute or 0 ~ 500.0 °C/hour ramp rate
Power Limit  0 - 100 % output 1 and output 2
Pump / Pressure Control Sophisticated functions provided
Remote Set Point Programmable range for voltage or current input
Differential Control Control PV1 - PV2 at set point
Digital Filter Function : First order
Time Constant : 0, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 seconds programmable
Environmental & Physical 
Operating Temperature -10°C ~ 50°C
Storage Temperature -40°C ~ 60°C
Humidity 0 to 90 % RH ( non-condensing )
Insulation Resistance 20 Mohms min. ( at 500 VDC )
Dielectric Strength 2000 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 minute
Vibration Resistance 10 - 55 Hz, 10 m/s² for 2 hours
Shock Resistance 200 m/s2( 20 g )
Moldings Flame retardant polycarbonate
Dimensions BTC-4300 ---96mm(W) X 96mm(H) X 66mm(D), 53 mm depth behind panel
BTC-8300 ---48mm(W) X 96mm(H) X 80mm(D), 65 mm depth behind panel
BTC-9300 ---50.7mm(W) X 50.7mm(H) X 88.5mm(D), 75mm depth behind panel
BTC-2500 ---50mm(W) X 26.5mm(H) X 110.5 mm(D), 98.0 mm depth behind panel
Mounting BTC-4300 ---panel mount, cutout 92 X 92 ( mm )
BTC-8300 ---panel mount, cutout 45 X 92 ( mm )
BTC-9300 ---panel mount, cutout 45 X 45 ( mm )
BTC-2500 ---panel mount, cutout 45 X 22.2 ( mm )
Weight  BTC-4300 --- 255 grams
BTC-8300 --- 220 grams
BTC-9300 --- 150 gram
BTC-2500 --- 120 grams
Approval Standards
Safety UL 61010C-1 , CSA C22.2 No. 24-93 , EN61010-1 (IEC1010-1)
Protective Class BTC-8300, BTC-4300:
          IP 20 housing and terminals with protective covers.
BTC-2500, BTC-9300:
          NEMA 4X(IP65) front panel , IP 20 housing and terminals
EMC EN61326
User Manual_UM9300IDownload
Catalog- 300 seriesDownload
User Manual - 9300AC Parameter Property TableDownload
Software- BC-Set ProDownload
Software- BC-Set_V2.0Download
Software- Data Acquisition Studio (DAQ)_V2.73(2501)※1-hour trial onlyDownload
Training- Demo Data Acquistion StudioDownload

*BC-SET Pro Compatible models:

300 series
4300, 2500, 8300, 9300  Version above V48R6
100 series
9100, 4100, 7100, 8100 Version above V31
C91, C21 Version above V33
Ramp and Soak Controller
P41, P91 Version above V36 
Limit controller
L41 Version above V15
L91 Version above V22
L62, L22, L42 Version above V01
C series 
C62/B62,C22,R22 Version above V16
C42,C72,C82,C83 Version above V08R2
C42-P,C72-P,C82-P,C83-P Version above V7.0
RSC Version above V4.0

Plastic/rubber industry

It is installed on the heating material tube of the injection molding machine to control the temperature of the raw material, effectively control the liquid temperature of the plastic and improve the molding quality of the product.
Installed on the hot runner system for temperature control of runners and gates to stabilize the quality of the plastic.
Temperature control on the mold temperature machine, indirectly adjusting the temperature of the mold by adjusting the temperature of the hot fluid, can improve the production efficiency of the product and reduce the generation of defective products.

Electric heating furnace industry

Vacuum furnace equipment / vacuum melting / vacuum heat treatment

A new algorithm for PID adjustment using fuzzy rules is used to adjust the PID algorithm to eliminate the PID saturation integral phenomenon when the error is large. When the error is small, the improved PID algorithm is used for adjustment and can be automatically adjusted. Learn and memorize some of the characteristics of the controlled object to optimize the effect

Semiconductor industry

The temperature control of the electric heating cloth package is often used for the heating of the exhaust pipe valve parts of the semiconductor factory, the panel factory, or the special steel cylinder.

In the semiconductor temperature process control program, the heating system of the chamber, such as the decane process, the dichloromethane process

Ceramic / kiln / glass industry

Ceramic sintering furnace:

The heating process on the sintering furnace controls the heating rate to obtain a finished product with better quality and stability.

Electric kiln:

Temperature adjustment during kiln firing to obtain a finished product with better quality and stability.

Fiber machinery

Dyeing machine:

control the temperature during dyeing to a suitable range, which in turn reduces chromatic aberration and improves the quality of dyed products.

Fiber dryer:

The temperature during drying is controlled within a suitable range to improve the fiber product.


Temperature Controller

Constant temperature and humidity machine
Heating/cooling air conditioning
Pool/bathroom temperature control facility

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Power Input 4: 90 - 264 VAC, 47-63 HZ
5: 11 - 26 VAC or VDC, SELV, Limited Energy
2 Signal Input 1: Standard Input
Input 1-Universal Input
Thermocouple: J, K, T, E, B, R, S, N, L
RTD: PT100 DIN, PT100 JIS Current: 4 - 20mA, 0 - 20mA
Voltage: 0 - 1V, 0 - 5V, 1 - 5V, 0-10V
Input 2-CT: 0 - 50 Amp.AC
Current Transformer
Analog Input: 4-20mA, 0-20mA, 0 - 1V, 0 - 5V, 1 - 5V, 0 - 10V
Input 3-Event Input (EI)
9: Special Order
3 Output 1 0: None
1: Relay rated 2A / 240VAC
2: Pulsed voltage to drive SSR, 5V / 30mA
3: Isolated 4 - 20mA / 0 - 20mA
4: Isolated 1 - 5V / 0 - 5V
5: Isolated 0 - 10V
6: Triac output 1A / 240VAC,SSR
C: Pulsed Voltage to drive SSR, 14V/40mA
9: Special order
4 Output 2 / Alarm 2 0: None
1: Form A relay 2A / 240VAC
2: Pulsed voltage to drive SSR, 5V / 30mA
3: Isolated 4 - 20mA / 0 - 20mA
4: Isolated 1 - 5V / 0 - 5V
5: Isolated 0 - 10V
6: Triac output, 1A / 240VAC, SSR
7: Isolated 20V / 25 mA DC Output Power Supply
8: Isolated 12V / 40 mA DC Output Power Supply
9: Isolated 5V / 80 mA DC Output Power Supply
C: Pulsed Voltage to drive SSR, 14V/40mA
A: Special order
5 Alarm 1 0: None
1: Form A relay 2A / 240VAC
2: Form B relay 2A / 240VAC
9: Special order
6 Communications 0: None
1: RS-485 interface
2: RS-232 interface
3: Retransmit 4 - 20 mA / 0 - 20 mA
4: Retransmit 1 - 5V / 0 - 5V
5: Retransmit 0 - 10V
9: Special order


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