Food and Pharmaceutical_ Pure Water System

Water quality monitoring can measure turbidity, iron, chlorine, conductivity, oxidation-reduction potential, and pH. It can be performed in many different ways, from the most common manual sampling and testing to automated systems, accuracy and repeatability are important in every case. Enhancement can be achieved by adding the frequency of testing, calibrating sensors regularly and benchmarking results.
You can enhance the performance of the pure water system with our controllers. The recommended Brainchild products are as below:Human Machine Interface_HMI450 4.3"Touch Display
Human Machine Interface_HMI730 7" Touch Display
Human Machine Interface_HMI750 7" Touch Display
Human Machine Interface_HMI1060 10" Touch Display
Human Machine Interface_HMI1550 15" Touch Display
Paperless Temperature Recorder_PR10 4.3"
Paperless Temperature Recorder_PR20 5.6"
Paperless Temperature Recorder_PR30 12.1"
Modbus IO Modules