答5下载的数据以二进制文件的形式存储,这是一种专有的安全格式,具有防篡改功能。这是许多应用程序和标准(如美国 FDA 21 CFR 第 11 部分)的要求。二进制文件只能通过 Data Logger Viewer 应用程序软件访问和查看,因此如果其他人希望在另一台计算机上查看数据,则需要将数据导出为其他格式。Data Logger Viewer 可以将数据导出为其他应用程序能够导入的格式,如 MS Excel、PDF 和 JPEG,但是,以这种方式导出的数据不再安全/防篡改。
答6数据记录器查看器软件可以选择将数据导出为 、CSV 和 PDF
答7XHLogger的LCD显示屏会在萤幕上显示记忆体状态。 使用者可以从记忆体显示中得知记忆体状态,同时DLV软体也会显示记忆体状态。
答8The XH10 data logger has the internal memory of 100 files with 80,000 logs/file subject to total of 200,192 logs.
答9XH10 data logger LCD displays battery status on the home screen. The user can know the battery life from this display, or the Datalogger is connecting with PC, DLV also shows the battery status.

The typical life time of the battery is 12 months. Unfortunately there is no clear cut answer to this question. Battery life is affected by many different factors:

  1. If the logger is permanently used in very cold temperatures (<-20°C for example) battery life is reduced as the battery needs to work considerably harder to deliver the required power
  2. If the logger is permanently used in very hot temperatures (>50°C for example) the battery\'s internal self discharge increases as does the average current drawn by the electronics, hence battery life decreases
  3. If the download rate is high, battery life decreases
  4. If the alert LED blinks often, more power is used and battery life decreases
  5. If the logging rate is high, more power is used and the battery life decreases
  6. If the logger is shutdown between uses, battery life increases as the power consumption is at a minimum.
  7. XH10 data logger units have replaceable batteries.

It should also be noted that not all battery cells have exactly the same characteristics. Although they are manufactured to stringent quality specifications, some cells have a naturally longer life than others due to the processes used in their manufacture.

The published specifications can therefore be only a guideline when the product is used in normal conditions, based on monthly download and 15minute logging. Clients have reported shorter battery life for applications of frequent downloading (twice a day) with relatively rapid logging (every minute or less). At the other end of the spectrum we have seen the battery life exceeds 3 year battery life, particularly if they are shutdown between uses.
答11Yes. The XH10 logger has the removable battery. It can be easily replaceable by the user.
答12Sorry, external temperature sensors can not be connected with XH10.


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