未加工的原油通常不适用于工业应用。 原油必须经过加工。 原油中有数百种不同的碳氢化合物分子,需要在炼油厂将其分离成可用于各种行业的组分。
您可以使用我们的控制器提高炼油厂系统的性能。 推荐的Brainchild产品如下:
Human Machine Interface_HMI450 4.3"Touch Display
Human Machine Interface_HMI730 7" Touch Display
Human Machine Interface_HMI750 7" Touch Display
Human Machine Interface_HMI1060 10" Touch Display
Human Machine Interface_HMI1550 15" Touch Display
Low-cost Process and Temperature Controllers_C22 48x24mm
Low-cost Process and Temperature Controllers_C62 48x48mm
Low-cost Process and Temperature Controllers_C42 96x96mm
Low-cost Process and Temperature Controllers_C82 48x96mm
Low-cost Process and Temperature Controllers_C83 96x48mm
Low-cost Process and Temperature Controllers_C72 72x72mm
Low-cost Process and Temperature Controllers_R22 22.5x96mm
Established process and Temperature Controller_4100 96x96mm
Established process and Temperature Controller_7100 96x96mm
Established process and Temperature Controller_8100 96x96mm
Established process and Temperature Controller_9100 96x96mm
Panel Mount Electronic Temperature Controller_C21 50x26mm
Established process and Temperature Controller_C91 48x48mm
Paperless Temperature Recorder_PR10 4.3"
Paperless Temperature Recorder_PR20 5.6"
Paperless Temperature Recorder_PR30 12.1"
Modbus IO Modules