
高壓釜也稱為蒸汽滅菌器,它通常用於醫療保健或工業應用。 高壓滅菌器在壓力下使用蒸汽來消除放置在壓力容器內的對像上的有害細菌、病毒、真菌和孢子。
您可以使用我們的控制器提高高壓滅菌器的性能。 推薦的Brainchild產品如下:
Human Machine Interface_HMI450 4.3"Touch Display
Human Machine Interface_HMI730 7" Touch Display
Human Machine Interface_HMI750 7" Touch Display
Human Machine Interface_HMI1060 10" Touch Display
Human Machine Interface_HMI1550 15" Touch Display
Low-cost Process and Temperature Controllers_C22 48x24mm
Low-cost Process and Temperature Controllers_C62 48x48mm
Low-cost Process and Temperature Controllers_C42 96x96mm
Low-cost Process and Temperature Controllers_C82 48x96mm
Low-cost Process and Temperature Controllers_C83 96x48mm
Low-cost Process and Temperature Controllers_C72 72x72mm
Low-cost Process and Temperature Controllers_R22 22.5x96mm
Established process and Temperature Controller_4100 96x96mm
Established process and Temperature Controller_7100 96x96mm
Established process and Temperature Controller_8100 96x96mm
Established process and Temperature Controller_9100 96x96mm
Panel Mount Electronic Temperature Controller_C21 50x26mm
Established process and Temperature Controller_C91 48x48mm
Paperless Temperature Recorder_PR10 4.3"
Paperless Temperature Recorder_PR20 5.6"
Paperless Temperature Recorder_PR30 12.1"
Modbus IO Modules